It’s time for hydration!
In every age and season hydration has a pleasant effect on our skin – keeps the beauty and slows the ageing!
The skin suffers from the harmful influences of cold, the Sun, environment pollution and stress in every season. In order to keep it clean and beautiful, we should take a good care for it – it should be well hydrated during the whole year – every day, hour, minute. Time flies and we should start taking care right away.
Water consumption, combined with hydrating cosmetics is our constant protection against premature skin ageing and an opportunity to enjoy our natural beauty in its entire splendor!
Our laboratories developed the AQUA NATURA formulation, based on which we offer you a modern solution for perfect skin hydration! The secret is in the combination of the plant extracts, natural cucumber water and the natural cucumber and melon extract, which keep the moisture and the result is highly hydrated skin with anti-age effect.
Legends for the unique freshness of the cucumber and melon can be found in different eras and cultures, especially in India – the home place of this miraculous plant, and also in Egypt. From the Ancient times there are stories about the unique qualities of these plants, as well as their ability to accumulate moisture and generously give it to people.
The powerful properties of the cucumber to hydrate and retain the moisture in the skin, combined with the melon properties – to nourish and rejuvenate, male this irreplaceable combination a hit in the new SPA products for the modern woman.
The cosmetic properties of these two plants are reinforced by the added natural cucumber water, which has intensive soothing and anti-inflammatory actions and the result is more than satisfactory – toned, rejuvenated and soothed skin!
We present a new generation of products with hydrating action!